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Autor Tema: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave  (Posjeta: 105879 )

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Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #80 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 12:00:43 »
Projekt jos nije gotov nego je bio zastao zbog objektivnih razloga a to je nemogucnost mapiranja ECU... sve do sada;-)
Jucer naletio na novi proizvod Polinija za koji smatram da je idealno rjesenje- CDI ignition box ECU Polini. Mala kutija sa xisplejom i 4 tipke koja se spaja na injektor i omogucuje zeljenu korekciju sirine impulsa koji otvaraju injektor po cjelom broju okretaja u koracima po 200 okretaja. Od narudzbe me trenutno dijeli cekanje da si netko to ugradi negdje u svijetu i ostavi vjerodostojan komentar. 2k Kn je cijena cca.
Sam uredjaj je kompatibilan sa svim jednocilindricnim ie motorima jedino sto se set kablova narucuje zasebno da pase na tvoju pilu.
Ovdje je njihov PR za taj uredjaj i C/P sa uputstava za montazu:

Polini ECU, “engine control unit” is the most advanced programmable gearcase made
by the factory of Bergamo for all the 4 stroke injection engines.
The Polini ECU controls the amount of fuel that enters in the cylinder by changing the
ignition timing.
The idea of making the ECU Polini arises from the need to modify the injection of the
tuned 4 stroke scooter engine.
ECU Polini is an add-on gearcase that fits perfectly to all the scooter with the
appropriate cables connected directly to the original injector.
Easy to schedule, intuitive and directly done by the user on the gearcase.
You can change the injection times every 200 rpm with a few CLICKS.
These simple steps allow you to find the perfect carburation by increasing or
decreasing fuel amount into the engine.
Code: 171.0001

Polini “ECU” is an engine control unit designed to correct injection parameters of the 4-stroke engines, where you do not want or
cannot vary the parameters of the gearcase that originally governs the engine. This allows you to return to the original parameters
very easily. The ability to change parameters independently without using software and PC makes this instrument easy to use and adaptable to
the various possibilities of improvement of racing engines.
Assembly - It is important to have the proper wiring for your engine. Disconnect the connector from the injector and insert the ECU connectors,
connect the 4-pole connector to the 4-pole connector coming out the gearcase. Connect the black wire with eyelet to an earth bolt (see photo).
The gearcase is now connected and running.
Assembly and use warnings - Install ECU far from heat sources such as radiators, exhaust pipes, power units and the ignition coil.
Excessive temperature can damage and cause problems. House the ECU wiring far from the spark plug wire, from the coil and power relays
(such as the electric starter). Make sure that the connection of the wiring is properly fastened; wire disconnection can cause failures and
damage the ECU. Follow the diagram connection supplied with the wiring and recheck the connections several times to ensure the proper
connection: wrong connection permanently damages the unit, making it forever unusable. Do not use pressure washing on the ECU and protect
it from the rain. Although it is designed to withstand moisture and accidental splashes, it is good practice not to abuse of its protection level. In
case of cold or extreme heat the display may appear dimmed; the effect is reversible once brought to normal temperature. Do not come into
contact the ECU with gasoline, oil, solvents, cooling and braking system fluid and battery acids. If these liquids penetrate into the device they
may damage it.
Working operation - Programming - In this mode, you can program the enrichment values according to the engine rpm. To enter this mode:
- If available, remove the ECU cover
- Turn off the vehicle, be careful that the display turns off too.
- Press the Joystick button towards right (see photo) and turn the key on the dashboard to the first position to switch on the instrument panel
and ECU without starting the engine.
- Release the button once the message “Program Inject” appears.
At the end of a short sequence of blue LED flashes, the range to which you intend to make the enrichment will appear in the top row, on the line
below the index of enrichment itself. The top row “1200 RPM” for example indicates that the change will take place at 1200 rpm; the bottom
row instead, stating “Inj * 15” means that it is enriched by 15 units at the rpm above mentioned. Note that for each unit of enrichment there
is a correction of 0.064 milliseconds. You can also set negative values of enrichment, dropping below 0 or exceeding a value of 200, but we
recommend that you use this option very carefully. We can therefore enrich in a range between 0 to 12.8 milliseconds. The injection decreases is
instead between 0 and -55 units which are equal to 0 and-3.52 milliseconds. To make changes to the values note that by clicking the Joystick to
the right of the button it increases the rev. range, the click to the left decreases the rev. speed; the click upward increases the enrichment factor
and the click downwards decreases the enrichment factor. Before starting the engine to test the new settings, turn the key off in the control
panel to switch the ECU off too, wait a few seconds and restart the vehicle normally. During the normal working of your scooter the display indi-
cates in the top row the scheme to which the engine rotates and the bottom row the value of enrichment carried out at the indicated range. For
example with “RPM 2500” in the first line and “INJ@ 19” in the second line, it means that you are enriching 19 units (equivalent to 1.21 mS)
at 2500 RPM. In this mode the Joystick button does not have any function. The blue led makes a short low-intensity flashing whenever the ECU
detects a pulse injection in the engine and a stronger intensity flashing at every update of values on the display. So if the short low-intensity
flashing is not produced, check the wiring as the injection command from the ECU is not detected. Look at our catalogues or visit our web site In the “technical area” of our web site you find all the settings for the scooters equipped with Polini part.

Stvarni život je iluzija izazvana odmakom od tastature

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Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #81 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 13:42:43 »
Zanimljivo samo mislim da ćeš se načekat dok neko napiše dvije-tri iz prve ruke

Di se to stavi? Pretpostavljam u gepek da možeš prčkat po tome

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Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #82 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 13:46:35 »
cini se kao dobra stvar,samo mi cudno da su navedene sam 125 masine  :icon_biggrin:
in memoriam freddie mercury (5. rujna 1946. -  24. studenog 1991.)

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Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #83 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 13:51:29 »
125-icama i najvise fali snage  :icon_biggrin:

>Od kolijevke do groba, najljepse je vjecno tripersko doba!<

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  • Mjesto: Zg
  • Moj Skuter: Sportcity X50ie; X=3
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  • MojSetup: Nadasve funkcionalna nakupina djelova
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Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #84 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 14:09:29 »
Diletantski su sve napisali kao i obicno. Gledano tehnicki radit ce na svim jednocilindricnim ie masinama posto se napaja i triga preko konektora kabla koji je isao na injektor. Nezna ta kutijica na kojem je skuteru- u zeljenim rasponima broja okretaja produlji upravljacke impulse prema injektoru za zeljeno vrijeme. Lambda ce se buniti i ocitavati se prebogatu smjesu sto bi elektronika htjela kompenzirati pa ce bit nuzan i lambda emulator neki...
Jbatga ako sam dosad cekao cekat cu jos dok nevidim kak to ljudima radi;-)
Stvarni život je iluzija izazvana odmakom od tastature

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  • Mjesto: kc
  • Moja Kaciga: spec 1R
Odg: quasar/leader oversize ventili + obrada glave
« Odgovori #85 : 04 Rujan, 2016, 15:34:29 »
znam,u teoriji to zvuci savrseno,ali uvijek ima ALI  :icon_biggrin:
naveli bi onda da je univerzalna stvari ALI deklariraju je samo za novije 125 i.e. masine..zato velim,u teoriji super a u praksi ko znam...
in memoriam freddie mercury (5. rujna 1946. -  24. studenog 1991.)