dobro, ali se uvijek cijene mogu usporediti sa onima u Europi, vjerujem da cijene kaciga nisu takve bezveze 
Nema ti to baš uvik smisla...
Eto, recimo, je među najpovoljnijim dućanima, pa svejedno je Nolan kod njih skuplji nego kod nas...
Najjefitniji model N85 dođe im 190 EUR, a svi drugi N85 modeli su debelo priko 200 EUR, 240, 260, 275...
Pa ti vidi...

@Go-Go RUNNER - je, to je to...
You can spot your 22.05 approval, and where it was granted by looking for a label permanently sewn into the fabric of the helmet's strap - where it is accessible. It wasn't the case for earlier standards, and you can go looking all round the damn thing.
First off you should see an E in a circle, followed by the approving country: E1 is Germany, E3 is Italy and E11 is England etc. Then you're looking for a serial number: this should start 05 if it's ECE R22.05 compliant.
Preuzeto sa ove stranice...