Dakle, nakon milion pokušaja kontaktiranja Vespa World Club-a, danas sam popizdio i poslao ovaj mail na organizacijski odbor Wespa World Days-a (malo sam napuhao stvar ali jebiga, mora se):
Dear Sirs,
We have a problem that might be out of your range of responsibilities so please apologize for contacting you but we sincerely hope you can help.
We have recently reestablished the Vespa Club Croatia (formerly Vespa Club Zagreb) and we have tried to contact Vespa World Club for number of times to join Vespa Club Croatia to the Vespa World Club.
So far we haven't received an answer. We even tried through their "Start a club" link but with no response at all.
We are not just a couple of enthusiasts, we are legally registered Club by Croatian laws, with Club Statute and well developed organization, with branches across Croatia.
We would like to attend Vespa World Days and need to be registered to do so.
We would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.