Stovani, doslo je do explozije u najvecem datacentru u USA.
Serveri nisu unisteni vec su bez napajanja te rade na otklanjanju problema.
Nazalost mi tu ne mozemo pomoci.
Evo originalne poruke
This evening at 4:55pm CDT in our H1 data center, electrical gear shorted,
creating an explosion and fire that knocked down three walls surrounding our
electrical equipment room. Thankfully, no one was injured. In addition, no
customer servers were damaged or lost.
We have just been allowed into the building to physically inspect the
damage. Early indications are that the short was in a high-volume wire
conduit. We were not allowed to activate our backup generator plan based on
instructions from the fire department.
This is a significant outage, impacting approximately 9,000 servers and
7,500 customers. All members of our support team are in, and all vendors who
supply us with data center equipment are on site. Our initial assessment,
although early, points to being able to have some service restored by
mid-afternoon on Sunday. Rest assured we are working around the clock.
We are in the process of communicating with all affected customers. we are
planning to post updates every hour via our forum and in our customer
portal. Our interactive voice response system is updating customers as well.
There is no impact in any of our other five data centers.
I am sorry that this accident has occurred and I apologize for the impact.
Domagoj Bikic
Pondi d.o.o.
Doąlo je i do manje korupcije baze podataka uslijed naravno svega toga, sto je dovelo i do nesposobnosti foruma danas kad se server upalio..
u svakom slucaju ludnica