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ne valja nista za serijalu, za kit je odlican, imao ga je hellboy_90 sa foruma, posle njega stavio ZX-a, skut se preporodio...Nije mi jasno kako ne mozes u NS da nadjes??!! Vidi u markosu, kod Steve ili Misike
...ZX ili da uzimam tecnigas? ? ?
Na Leo Vince web stranicama se lijepo vide nacrti i spuhovi za karb se razlikuju.
nije preotvoren za serijalu... i mene je zbunio... on je mislio na tecnigas rs70 koji je preotvoren za serijalu, a next r ti je ok i za serijalu i za base kit ... ja bi bez razmišljanja uzeo, pogotovo ako je 100€ samo cijena.. ja sam dao 1000kn za njega.. zx je dobar, al previše ih je na cesti i hrđaju ko blesavi... ja svoj nikad nisam održavao(pranje poslije vožnje, prešpricavanje wd40 i sl) imao sam ga godinu dana i nije počeo hrđati, a onaj dio od grane do širenja nije imao zaštitni lak uopče(izgorilo) + ja sam ga još išmirglao jedan veči dio jer mi se taj zaštitni lak istopio, ali opet je odbio hrđati
evo da ne otvaram novu temu ako ima ko iskustva sa spuhom STAGE6 PRO REPLICA CE, gledam ga malo i citam da je za midrace,ne kosta puno kojih 115 eura, kako bi radio na serijali i kako bi radio sa trophyem 70???
The power diagramm shows the power of a Laser XPro pipe on a Speedfight LC with standard cylinder in comparison with the standard exhaust and a LeoVince ZX.The restricted Laser comes with a homologation, so power is only increased marginally while topspeed even went down. As far as performance is concerned the restricted pipe even accelerates worse that the standard one. Derestricted it’s a completely different cup of tea though, remove the conical reduction in the downpipe and power goes up some 100% and topspeed is increased by 20%. Acceleration from a standstill is not to bad either, from 15 km/h then any standard scooter is left far behind.Rpm of maximum power is 250 or so down on the ZX pipe. The exhaust is very torquey, so setting the engine up is an easy thing to do. For our dyno tests we got best results with weights of 10g. On the road, depending on the weight of the rider, half a gram less may not be wrong.Off the line and with acceleration up to 80km/h the Laser is much better than the ZX. Up to 55 km/h in particular the Laser is up to 18% up on the ZX in terms of power.Finish is excellent, the downpipe does not touch the radiator hose, mounting is easy and the muffler is a solid construction. Sound is very nice too, sounds like a proper two-stroke without being to noisy.Yet another motivation for buying the pipe is the fact that it’s also available in a chromed version, which not only looks nice but also is a better corrosion prevention that a layer of paint.