osim uzimanja u ciklusima izgleda da kreatin daje rezultate ako se uzima konstantno po 3 gr na dan.. evo citata proizvođača:
A daily dosage of 3 g is recommended.
Creatine should always be taken with caffeine-free drinks, such as water, fruit juice, or warm (improves solubility) tea. Make sure that you take sufficient fluid with the creatine (rule of thumb: 1 g creatine/100 ml fluid).
The creatine drink should always be prepared fresh and consumed that same day, as creatine does not remain stable in fluids for long periods.
Creatine and Caffeine
Taking large doses of caffeine (5 mg per kg body weight per day) cancels the ergogenic (performance enhancing) effect of creatine. Smaller amounts of caffeine (for example, 1–2 cups of coffee), on the other hand, do not seem to have an adverse impact on the effects of creatine.