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nerazumjem kako bi ovo smanjilo potrosnju :S
MIRACLE MAGNETSThere are dozens of fuel-line magnets on the market. We tested two. They all make similar claims: substantial improvements in fuel economy, reduced emissions and increased horsepower. According to the people selling these devices, as gasoline flows past the magnet, the magnetic field will "break apart clusters of fuel molecules so gas burns more efficiently." Problem: Gasoline molecules aren't magnetic, not at all. But wait, there's more. If the fuel line is steel, as many are, the lines of magnetic flux will follow the fuel-line walls instead of passing through the fuel. THE DYNO SAYS: As we suspected, neither device had any significant effect on performance or economy.
Magnets attached to a vehicle's fuel line have been claimed to improve fuel economy by aligning fuel molecules, but because motor fuels are non-polar, no such alignment or other magnetic effect on the fuel is possible. When tested, typical magnet devices had no effect on vehicle performance or economy
potrazi po netu pa ces vidjet na kojem principu radi
ja sam ubacio 15" subwoofer s magnetom od 4kg u rezervoar i smanjila mi se potrošnja s 11 na 3.6 litre!Al mora bit dobra marka, moj je JBL, ako je neki šrot onda neće tolko dobro radit.
Sestra je sestra, al' Yasuni je Yasuni!
Ja sam konacno nasao nacin za ustedu goriva. Inace ode mjesecno oko 1000kn za bengu za motor, ali zadnjih mjesec dana sam potrosio 30kn.Za 49,99kn vam dam instrkukcije kako to napravit. U slucaju da ne uspije, vracam dupli iznos Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Citat: 3alfa3 - 19 Prosinac, 2013, 21:34:36Ja sam konacno nasao nacin za ustedu goriva. Inace ode mjesecno oko 1000kn za bengu za motor, ali zadnjih mjesec dana sam potrosio 30kn.Za 49,99kn vam dam instrkukcije kako to napravit. U slucaju da ne uspije, vracam dupli iznos Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2Bar je to lako odgonetnuti.........hladno je i mokro a to je vrijeme jada se ti ne voziš.