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jel se moze dat svoj kamion vozacu?
Citat: zemo323 - 30 Listopad, 2012, 22:54:37jel se moze dat svoj kamion vozacu?da
evo ja naisao sad slucajno za editiranje ovog configa...napravio to sto pise probo uc u igru stisko par puta esc i nije trazio kljuc...1. Block game .exe with a good Firewall or just disable the whole internet as I did.2. Uncheck "Online News" in-game going to "Options > Gameplay".3. Now close the game and go to "My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2" and open "config.cfg" with Notepad.4. Look for the following line in config.cfg >> uset g_sns "(junk here)"5. Remove everything there is between the quotation marks, It should look like this >> uset g_sns ""6. Save the file and open the game back again It should ask for a new key.7. Type in a key you havent used yet like "7KWDE-K9MV0-KFM10-ACJ2Q-HY9KZ".8. Profit!
Citat: skoda90 - 31 Listopad, 2012, 01:36:46evo ja naisao sad slucajno za editiranje ovog configa...napravio to sto pise probo uc u igru stisko par puta esc i nije trazio kljuc...1. Block game .exe with a good Firewall or just disable the whole internet as I did.2. Uncheck "Online News" in-game going to "Options > Gameplay".3. Now close the game and go to "My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2" and open "config.cfg" with Notepad.4. Look for the following line in config.cfg >> uset g_sns "(junk here)"5. Remove everything there is between the quotation marks, It should look like this >> uset g_sns ""6. Save the file and open the game back again It should ask for a new key.7. Type in a key you havent used yet like "7KWDE-K9MV0-KFM10-ACJ2Q-HY9KZ".8. Profit!cini mi se da ovo radi SAMO ako nemas teret na kamionu, ja sam ovo uradio nekoliko puta i sve dok ne zakacim neki teret mogu pritiskat ESC dok imam neki teret ne radi
a krvavog li kompjutera dodjem do lvl-a 10 zastopa mi komp i nema mi savea, kao i neki dan na f1 2012... moze neko dat save, vekyy je preso dosta toga pa da mi sibne save na upload??
jel imaju neke sifre za igru ili treba skidat trainer ?