Juče sam baš to googlao i naišo negdje da se da stavit i bregasta ako je klip "machined" što sam ja sebi preveo kao "obrađen". Nisam shvatio dali ga tako obrađenog imaju ili će imati u ponudi ili misle da jednostavno poglodaš utore u klipu na mjestima di bi se "potukli".
Našao sam:
http://modernvespa.com/forum/topic59889 (na prvoj strani petnaesti post od ispod)
"Use a 60mm stroke original crankshaft.
Then use a malossi camshaft.
Malossi doesn't state to sell this part for any configuration that has a stroke of more then 48.6cc (that's the 125, 150, 180, 190, 200, 210 cc config, so 244, 269 and 278cc are not officially supported) because the valves will hit the piston.
You can make this work by machineing the piston. You can use the piston delivered with the 269cc cylinder or use the malossi piston specially made for the v4 head that you can order for the 210cc cylinder. They are both 74mm bore. The malossi piston for the v4 head still isn't cut out deep enough for the 60mm stroke but at least the diameter of the valves is correct."
...samo treba istrest skoro 6k kn + bregasta + garant još pokoja sitnica pa to ukupno može i do 10k kn dogurati