a j#bote Aerox007 taman sam si smoto prvu pljugu danas i zapalio i onda vidim ovo , zgadio si mi pljugu jebi se
dole niže utješni komentar
we know EXACTLY what we are doing to ourselves. And we also know that this video shows nothing. There are way too many faults in this expirement.
1. NOBODY inhales 100% of a cigarette
2. Lungs are regenerative tissue that repair
3. Smokers exhale when they smoke. They do not retain all of the tar.
4. Smokers do not inhale nearly as hard as that vaccuum was S**king
I am sure there are more. Ask a scientist and a biologist. Sure, they will tell you that smoking is bad. We all know that. But, they will also tell you that this experiment is purely entertainment with no education.