Dok se mi tu natežemo koja je svjećica bolja ili jel gljiva presudna na ditechu sa Apriliom SR Factory za 2006 godinu je već potajno stigla druga generacija ditech motora koje naravno mi europljani nećemo moći voziti jer nama trpaju purejetove dok amerima prodaju franco morini

no evo nekih tehničkih specifikacija, dosta je slično starom konceptu, međutim sada namotaji proizvode jaču struju,zračni filter i auspuh su drugačiji,nešto je manji tank za ulja a 49,38ccm je ostao zaštitni znak franco morini ditecha.
Mislim da je i injektor malo upgradean i sada je i ključ kodiran tako da nemožeš više ditecha na žice upaliti i tako sve u svemu i dalje ostajemo zakinuti

I da, moram li spomenuti da je potrošnja još smanjena na ispod 2 litre na 100km

Engine Liquid cooled horizontal single cylinder two stroke. Electronic direct fuel injection.
Bore and stroke 40 x 39.3 mm
Displacement 49 cc
Compression ratio 11.5 : 1
Air-oil mix aspiration Reed valve
Fuel injection Electronically controlled, air assisted, direct injection into the combustion chamber.
Injector type EFI low flow injector
Direct Injection system External opening, SMD 8 micron medium spray
Pressure regulator Pressure differential maintained at 2.5 bar
Throttle body Ø 18 mm throttle body with integrated TPS (Throttle Position Sensor)
Air compressor Driven off crankshaft, lubricated by air-oil mix in crank chamber
Fuel pump 6.5 – 8 bar, high pressure pump with low electrical power absorption, < 0.5 A
Electronic Control Unit 8 Hz clock speed, 22 pin
Ignition High power inductive ignition
Starting Electric
Generator Flywheel-magneto, 165W – 12 V
Lubrication Oil injection with oil pump
Oil tank capacity 1.2 litres (0.2 litre reserve)
Gearbox Continuous automatic converter
Clutch Automatic centrifugal dry clutch
Primary drive V belt
Final drive Gears in oil bath
Frame Split single cradle frame in high tensile strength steel
Front suspension Hydraulic fork, 90 mm wheel travel
Rear suspension Engine unit acting as swingarm; frame linkages on two radial silent block mountings; wheel travel 70 mm.
Brakes Front: 190 mm stainless steel disc; racing calliper with twin opposed 32 mm pistons.
Rear: 190 mm stainless steel disc; racing calliper with twin opposed 30 mm pistons.
Wheels Five spoke, light alloy wheels front and rear: 3.50 x 13"
Tyres Tubeless
Front and rear: 130/60 x 13”
Dimensions Max. length: 1860 mm
Max width: 705 mm
Max. height: 1120 mm
Seat height: 820 mm
Wheelbase: 1290 mm
Tank capacity 7 litres