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sto je boost bottle?
Opa, Marko više nije dijete, on je postao muškarac
Evo sad naso da je boost bottle bocica koja prikuplja ne izgorenu masu i ne vraca je u frgu nego pri sljedecem taktu je izbaci van (mozda nisam tocno preveo) All 2 stroke engines without a reed valve will end up forcing mixture back into the carburettor during part of piston's cycle. Since this mixture will be sucked back into the engine during the next cycle this fuel is not lost, but since it passed the carburettors needle twice (or even three times) this mixture will contain far too much fuel to burn correctly.The rich condition which results from this is very minor and will not damage the engine or foul a plug, but it will decrease the performance of the engine slightly. A boost bottle is supposed to fix this problem by catching some of the mixture backwash of the engine before it makes it to the carburettor's needle and then release it during the next cycle. By ensuring a consistent mixture ratio, the boost bottle should improve performance and fuel economy.
da, tak nekak... bila je vec tema, i doslo se do zakljucka da je BB shit i da ima koristi eventualno kod midrace i high-end skutera...
a i pise da bi smanjilo malo performanse skutera, a to nam netreba
cekaj ako stavim BB kakve koristi imam od toga ako smanjuje performance skutera???