evo nekakav polovni prijevod uz pomoc babel fish translationa...
IIn Italy still is not distributed, but to our country this model, called semplicemene ' Scooter 400 ' must to a lot, and in particular to Malaguti, from which it has drawn the stilistica inspiration, to half road between Madison and SpiderMax, enough to watch to the lateral radiators, the instrumentation and the stock-pot with characteristic the three small tubes of drainage. Of the rest the motor is just the Morini Franc that equipped Madison 400. Of new but it introduces wheels from 16pollici and the double front disc, plus a third party to the retrotreno. We do not know if and when it will become a truth trades them, is of fact that, at least in phase of plan, for before turns a Chinese company pulls down the wall of the 250cc in one scooter.
a nevezano uz ovo...
isao jucer traziti nekakvu jaknicu i hlace za kisu po Rijeci (smocilo me jucer ujutro, moja pocela pustati na patentu:() i ono kad sam vec u ducanu sjednem ja na nexusa, vidim da oko koljenja bas i nemam previshe mjesta (196cm), pricam malo sa prodavacem i kazem mu istu stvar i kako mi je xciting komotniji i bla bla. i sad, navikao sam da svako hvali konja svoga, ali da govori protiv tudjih i to na nacin kako je on bas i ne...nekako mi je izbio volju za kupovinu bilo cega kod njega...