Mislim da bi bilo korisno spojiti ovo sa Pajinom temom...
http://www.mojskuter.com/forum/index.php/topic,19449.0.htmlMina CDI prepakovan na Keewaj-CPI ...
plavo i bijelo -> crvena i bijela
crveni i crni -> crvena i crna
Crno -> narančasta
crno-bijeli -> crna
zelena -> crna i bijela
bijelo zeleno -> - (sasija / negativne baterije terminala)

Ovo su boje na orginalnom CDI-u..[.zanemarite one jednobojne oznake desno-to su boje sa Cheesee-cdi-a]...

Ja nisam isprobao pa za evuntualnu stetu ne odgovaram

al momak kaze da radi odlicno...c/p
Yeah! It works great. Nice to see you alive Posted Image Nowadays I have it on my shelf, using Stage6 Racing now. Intention to drive 110km/h this year, now max 103km/h.
I have also ported the block etc. I've had problems with oil pump. White "gear" broke off and I replaced it with one from Minarelli. Worked since. I also premix 1-2%.
Minarelli CDI fitted to CPI
http://www.motot.net/galleria/showphoto.php/photo/358826/cat/21133Installing the ignition is very easy, it's bolt-on. If you have problems with it, I'll help you out. First time I attached it, it had built-in limiter always on. Don't know why. It should be only on when you attach the blue wire to ground. I disconnected it and blugged in again, worked like a charm.
MVT Millenium gave me honestly 1-2 extra hp. You should buy it from my link. Send them email and they will order it to you. Remember to mention CPI/Keeway.