c/p ss
1 Engine overheated - cooler (radiator) damaged
- housing damaged
- not enough water in
radiator (cooler)
- check thermostat and cooler
- check damage on housing
- add some more cooling liquid
2 No signal from electronic
(CDI) for ignition
- Pick-Up cable connected
- Pick-UP cable damaged
- Check, and replace if needed
- Check, and replace if needed
3, 4, 5 Nothing to do with engine
errors, etc.. - water on junctions
- check that cables are
connected or damaged
- wait till it drys
- check, check and recheck
6, 7 Error on electronics - water in electronics
- sensor used up
- cdi died
- dry and isolate
- replace
- replace
8 General error in
- idle throttle higher then it
should be
- cdi died
- reprogram
- replace
9 Error in alternator or in
sensor for current
- empty battery
- contacts on battery loosen
- injectors relays died
- generator died
- recharge or replace
- clean contacts
- check and replace if needed
- check and replace if needed
10 Error in oil pump - pump died
- error in electronic - check
- if so, after reset, the injectio
check should also blink 16x
11 Error in air injector - relays of injector used up - replace
- air injector died
- electronic damaged
- fuses died
- clean or even replace
- reprogram or replace if needed
- replace
12 Error in fuel injector - same as above - same as abve
13 Error on ignition
- cable for sparkplug
- relays in injector damaged
- cdi died
- electronic damaged
- check or replace
- go to official servise or replace
- replace
- check fuses or even replace
14 Error in fuel pump - weak battery
- electronic died
- pump died
- replace or recharge
- replace
- check and replace if needed
15 Engine done too much
RPM's (usually after
- it means that rpm limitar
worked, that it has been
turned on
- noting wrong, just restart system
4 times to reset that
16 Error on ECU
- error in program - reprogram
18,19 Error in temp sensor
-cable damaged
- sensor died
- ECU died
- check or replace
- replace
- reprogram or replace
20 Error in heat indicator
- cable that is connected to
instrument is damaged
- ECZ died
- check or replace
- replace or reprogram
nekome se zna javiti i GREŠKA 21
to je problem sa ECU, zbog vode i pranja miniwashem
kad je ve? sve tu napišite i kak se pali injektion chek
jednom i za svagda: (jer je negdje neko krivo napisao)
injection check se aktivira tako da pri isklju?enom kontaktu odvreš ru?icu gasa do kraja, te potom daš kontakt, tada ?e se injection check lampica ugasiti kada se ponovo upali pusti se gas! nakon toga ?e lampica po?et blinkat, broje se samo kratki blinkovi a dugi su razmak izme?u dvije greške...
npr. lampica blinka 8 puta pa jednom malo duže pa onda blinka 16 puta
to zna?i da imaš greške 8 i 16
ako nekom nešto nije jasno nek pita na pm
ev možda kad pitam ovo nekom i pomogne...
uglavnom kak se na techu brišu greške,znam da je nešt 3 puta s gasom upalit chek dalje neznam...help thx...
upali injection check i pusti da ti 4 puta pro?e sve greške...
najlakše ga je ostaviti da blinka pa do?i za 15 min, ako su greške uredno obrisane onda ?e lampica biti ugašena