Ako znaš engleski:
Clearing fault codes
The codes are cleared after the fault frame has been read 4 times consecutively without cutting off the
ignition, on condition there are no more faults on the machine.
1. Start a fault code reading procedure
2. After reading the fault codes 4 times without cutting off the ignition the memory is cleared
3. The light stays off
4. Turn off the ignition
Throttle unit initialisation
Initialisation is necessary in the following cases:
1. If the ECU is changed
2. If the throttle unit is changed
The engine must not be started during the procedure, if it is, the procedure is void.
This procedure cannot function if the throttle unit is disconnected or its harness is cut.
1. Turn on the ignition and disconnect the throttle unit
2. Wait for at least 5 seconds
3. Turn off the ignition
4. Reconnect the throttle unit
5. Turn the ignition on again.
6. Fully open the throttle (accelerator cable properly adjusted) and return to the idle position (throttle
full travel is learned by the ECU)
7. Turn off the ignition
8. Clear the fault codes
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