sad sam naso ovaj opis:
Dellorto carburettor tuning PHBG 21mm Type DS with oil connection (without vacuum connection) for separate lubrication. This carburettor can be operated with the normal oil pump and pre-mix fuel must not be used. The 21mm covers all imaginable tuning cylinders and high-end cylinders. Top quality from Dellorto that`s easy to tune. For the air filter connector on 38mm a black adapter is included. Connection engine: 25mm connection Air filter side: 32mm (without adapter) 38mm (with adapter) Choke Jet: M5 # 60 Jet: 262AU main jet: M5 # 092 Pilot jet: M5 # 050 floats: 9450.1 / 4.0g carburettor slide: 40 (metal version) needle choice: W7 Choke type: lever pull type.
Whaat, kaj moze to radit bez vakuma? :/
Ne moze, mozes si ga sam napravit.
Na onom djelu koji ulazi u prirubnicu izbusis rupu i userefis nesto sto ima navoj al ima i rupu skroz i tjt.
Npr, ako imas m5 diznu, probusi rupu u koju mozes userafit na knap diznu. Prije tog probusi diznu da ima sto vecu mogucu rupu.
Kad userafis onda odrezes glavu toj dizni tak da mozes crijevo stavit na to, ili pobrusit gkavu pa ces imatu duzi taj dio pa ces moc lakse nagurat crijevo od vakuma.
Evo probaj s tim napravit vakum ili mozda nades nesto bolje.
Ja sam tako napravio na phbg19 koji sam na Luni imao.
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