lue is the color of Saint Martin, a rich Gallo-Roman officer who ripped his blue coat with his sword to give one half of it to a poor who was begging him in the snow. This is the symbol of care, of the duty that the rich had to help the poor.
White is the color of the Virgin Mary, to whom the Kingdom of France was consecrated by Louis XIII in the 17th century; it is also the color of Joan of Arc, under whose banner the English were finally driven out of the Kingdom (15th century). It became logically the color of Royalty. The King's vessels carried plain white flags at sea.
Red is the color of Saint Denis, the saint patron of Paris. The original oriflamme (war banner) of the Kings was the red oriflamme of Saint Denis.
* 2 years ago
by google translate

plava je boja Sveti Martin, bogata Galo-rimski časnik koji ripped njegov plavi kaput sa svojim mačem kako bi polovica od toga da je loše, koji ga je prosio u snijegu. To je simbol skrb, u dužnost da bogati su pomoći siromašnima.
Bijela je boja Djevici Mariji, kojima je Kraljevina Francuska je bila posvećena by Louis XIII u 17. stoljeću, ona je ujedno i boja Joan od luk, pod čiji barjak na engleskom jeziku napokon su prognani iz Kraljevine (15. stoljeću ). Ona je postala logično boju Royalty. The King's plovila nosio običnom bijelom zastavom na moru.
Crvena je boja svetog Denisa, sveca zaštitnika Parizu. Izvorna oriflamme (rat banner) od kraljeva je bio Sv crvene oriflamme Denis.
* 2 godina