Kupuj preko foruma !! Kupuj povoljno preko webshopa KLIKNI ME
0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.
evo par lipih za one koji seru protiv metala pa lipo umrite u mukama grindcore krv znoj sperma HIMNA!cajkasi mozete svi ic doma
kae to muzika???
ja sam se navukao na ovo zadnjih dana lycris Poetic Assassin - Inverti in DarknessToo much blood-in my bathroom-too much blood-in my room-too much blood-too much blood-I kiss the bloody chainsaw-I kiss the bloody axe-too much blood-too much blood...(thanks bobbyconover for the good ear)Sombody whisper in my earI washy my hands-over and a over-over and a over- I washy my hands-over and a over over and a ober-I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm-a-innocent- I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocentI was a very ordinary guy-I just a ordinary human being-I killed him-I I-a-I-Kilt him-I washy my hands-over and a over-Oba and a oba-I yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocnet-I yi yi yi yi yi yi yi I'm innocent-Too much blood! Too much Blood! Too much blood! Too much blood!...Prison aint shit-I never saw anything-prison aint shit-prison aint shit-he was an empty-empty soul-prison aint shit-prison aint shitShe said the moment she was born-always-prison aint shitSomething didnt fit-prison aint shitTell your brother nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing-prison aint shit-I washy my hand-ober and a ober-Too much blood in my batharoom-too much blaaaaaaaaaad!Please help me-help me from my... holePlease help me-please take my hand-I wahsy my hand ober and a ober-I'm fucking innocent-I'm fucking innocent!