Bitno je koliki je unutarnji promjer grane na najuzem dijelu, a za okretaje se brine duljina grane i kontrakonus prije zavoja kod prigushivaca koji su iste duzine kod oba spuha.
Anyway, nasao sam podatke (spuh je isti ko R samo kaj ima flandju zbog lakseg i brzeg skidanja spuha)...
Vjerojatno ce ti na nju slinit ulje. Barem je tako meni na Nardu.
Yasuni R City, der wesentliche Unterschied zu dem normalen Yasuni R ist der Krümmer, welcher aus mehreren Einzelteilen geschweißt wird. Dies verschafft dem Auspuff eine besondere Optik, die man sonst nur von echten Racinganlagen kennt. Leistungsmäßig steht er dem Yasuni R in nichts nach.
prijevod na engleski:
Yasuni R town center, the substantial difference to the normal Yasuni R is the elbow union, which is welded from several individual parts. This provides a special optics, which one knows otherwise only from genuine Racinganlagen for the exhaust. Performance-related it is inferior to the Yasuni R in nothing
Dakle, iste performanse, ali drugi sistem montaze na cilindar.
Meni osobno losiji zbog slinjenja ulja i mogucih vibracija i buke kako je to bilo na Nardu prije nego sam mu zavario flandju na granu.
sa SA stranice:
The big difference in comparison with the normal Yasuni R version is the manifold, which is welded out of several individual parts. This provides a cool racing style. Performance is as good as from the Yasuni R.