Za otprilike dva tjedna svi ljubitelji skutera su pozvani na još jedan vrlo zanimljiv event, Scooter-Weekend Italy.
Za sve zainteresirane izdvajamo dio programa:
15 Juli from 16pm: Arrival
16 - 17 Juli is Scooter Weekend
2,5km of Autodrome track for all partecipants, even without leather suit (homologated helmet)Scooter Drag Race on 150m (Nightrace Finals)Free dyno runsSlowraceBurnout ContestIndoor Kart CompetitionStage6 Italian Open Cup Race on SundayCustom ShowScooter-WashgirlsStunt-Show by Rok BagorosBarbecueCamping right near the trackSoap SoccerAnd much much more!
Prices are:
40Euro Riders (with bike)
15 Euro Visitors
http://www.scooter-weekend.ithttp://autodromodifranciacorta.itKliknite ovdje da pročitate ovaj članak!