našao sam dvije vrste istovjetnih ležaja, prvi ima oznaku BB1 -3055 C ***C i slovi za kao bolji..
Bearing & oil seal set for crankshaft
-BGM PRO- Piaggio 50cc 2-stroke
item number BGM1000
Bearing & oil seal set for crankshaft -BGM PRO- Piaggio 50cc 2-stroke
Especially on tuned engines the bearings and their quality are vital for the reliability of the engine. You should only use the best! Therefore we have prepackaged very high quality bearings and oil seal. All bearings are C4 ones with added bearing play for the highest stress and revs.
drugi ima oznaku BB1 -3055 B ***A
Bearing & oil seal set for crankshaft
-SCEED 42 Racing- Piaggio 50cc 2-stroke
Set of high quality bearings from SKF or NTN for the crankshaft. Despite the quality bearings the kit contains all the oil seals -in original equipment manufacturer quality- to recondition the bearing of your crankshaft.
u čem je fora? mislim da su ovi C sa većom zračnošću, dakle C4.. moram do garaže da vidim kakve ja imam al brijem da imam ***A..