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0 Članova i 2 Gostiju pregledava ovu temu.
imas rjesenja inace u radnoj bileznici na kraju.-...
puno hvala swima... e sad neshto od toga treba odje ubacit1.The exam was extremely easy!Much easier than I expected!2.both teams are playing well but I think arsenal are better than liverpool and they'll win3.I know you don't feel well so just relax and let me cook dinner.4.I love going to her house.She always gives you a be friendly and helpful .5.There is 30% off TVs in the sales this month.That's absolutely amazing .6.That neww history teacher is a pleasant an easy to listen to .The rest of the department is a bit old and boring.ovdje dje su ........ treba ubacit neshto iz prethodne vjezbepuno hvala!
puno hvala swima... e sad neshto od toga treba odje ubacit1.The exam was ...........!Much easier than I expected!2.both teams are playing well but I think arsenal......liverpool and they'll win3.I know you don't feel well so just.......and let me cook dinner.4.I love going to her house.She always gives you a........... .5.There is 30% off TVs in the sales this month.That's.......... .6.That neww history teacher is a........ .The rest of the department is a bit old and boring.ovdje dje su ........ treba ubacit neshto iz prethodne vjezbepuno hvala!