Uredništvo => Kutak za nove članove => Pitanja, pritužbe i/ili pohvale.. => Autor teme: Nikon - 12 Studeni, 2009, 21:47:28

Naslov: problem s forumom
Autor: Nikon - 12 Studeni, 2009, 21:47:28
jel samo meni ili ima jos ko..

stalno mi baca ovo

<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
<p>The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator,
 apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.</p>

maloprije 10 puta nisan moga uc, ni pisat.. stalno ovo izbacivalo
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: gokiSP - 12 Studeni, 2009, 21:51:06
i meni isto cesto to izbaci  :confused5:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: SlowRider - 12 Studeni, 2009, 21:52:01
mislim da ima vec tema o tome, i meni svako malo "steka" i prikazuje tu poruku, pogotovo kod slanja pm poruka  :dontknow:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: stark1 - 12 Studeni, 2009, 21:57:16
baca neke errore non stop
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: neno20 - 12 Studeni, 2009, 22:04:22
meni već dva dana non stop to baca, nemam slike avatara, nekad se čak niti ne mogu logirat  :angry9:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: cameosb - 12 Studeni, 2009, 22:06:19
<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
<p>The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator,
 apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.</p>

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Pupo - 13 Studeni, 2009, 01:26:37
Nik0n jes se ti probudio iz nekog zimskog sna pa ovo pitaš il što?  :icon_biggrin: Pa ima tema o tome na par stranica o tome a i sad si se našao molit kad eladia nema.

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Nikon - 13 Studeni, 2009, 10:20:21
nije bas FAIL..

jer ja ne citan prituzbe i pohvale  :headbang:

P.S. ne molim se pitam da znam jel meni sta sjebano da ne zapalim format c bezze :D
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 13 Studeni, 2009, 10:46:12
P.S. ne molim se pitam da znam jel meni sta sjebano da ne zapalim format c bezze :D

 :toothy12: :toothy12: :toothy12: :laughing9:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: domagoy 46 - 13 Studeni, 2009, 14:15:48
jel samo meni ili ima jos ko..

stalno mi baca ovo

<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
<p>The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator,
 apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.</p>

maloprije 10 puta nisan moga uc, ni pisat.. stalno ovo izbacivalo

i meni to stalno izbaciva  :icon_scratch:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: SlowRider - 13 Studeni, 2009, 16:44:04
od 16:12 do ovog trenutka forum mi nije bio dostupan, ne radi mi nikako, od 10 otvorenih tema 3 mi prikaze  :dontknow: napisati novi post je nemoguca misija  :help:

Je li to zbog danasnjeg dana i datuma?  :toothy3:

ili baca error ili jedva da prikaze ista: ( (

btw forum radi kao bura, na mahove  :duckie:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: sven_vx - 13 Studeni, 2009, 16:52:31
meni stalno baca neki connection fail...uc na forum ili napisat post je nemoguca misija...evo sad mi se posrecilo pa sam uspio postat...fucking petak 13... :icon_biggrin:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: mrcina - 14 Studeni, 2009, 10:40:37
eladio je u milanu na moto sajmu pa nam forum odmah uzeo stvar u svoje ruke i šteka.
a kad se vrati ovaj bu prestao zajebavat.
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 14 Studeni, 2009, 10:56:11
i am back  :glasses9:

sad cemo viedjti sta se dogadja  :toothy3:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: zipst - 14 Studeni, 2009, 11:44:05
dogadja se opet isto :toothy3:, 4 puta za redom mi je pokazalo ovo i tek onda otvorilo str.
<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>
<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
<p>The server encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.</p>
<p>Please contact the server administrator,
 apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.</p>
<p>More information about this error may be available
in the server error log.</p>
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: speed - 14 Studeni, 2009, 13:09:16
kod ucitavanja stranica stalno neki erori,popravi to pod hitno :laughing6:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Jandro - 14 Studeni, 2009, 18:39:12
uzas jedan, da popizdis

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log

non stop mi to izbacuje i spor je u tri pm
moram pet puta klikat da mi otvori nest
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: cameosb - 16 Studeni, 2009, 12:28:36
pa dobro jel se radi na rješavanju ovog problema?nitko ne piše od admina
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 16 Studeni, 2009, 13:41:38
pa nesto je radjeno, nazalost problem je dosta "cudan" , sad ga ima, sad je sve u redu, pa nikako da detektiramo sta je glavni uzrok..

bas sam u subotu poslao neke dosta vazne screenshotove sa tocnim vremenom navedenog problema, sto ce dodatno olakasati detekciju.. cim bude nesto naravno da cu javiti  :redface:

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: cameosb - 16 Studeni, 2009, 14:13:18
hvala na odgovoru za malo nade,jer poprilično živcira
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: ChRiStIaN - 16 Studeni, 2009, 20:07:47
katastrofa...nemrem opce citat nista...100 puta stisnem refresh i onda tek pokaze  :'(
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Doomsday - 17 Studeni, 2009, 08:38:30
Interesantno, u cilo vrime od kad se svi žale na ovi poblem, meni se javija možda par puta, a inače forum leti 'ki zmaj'...

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: divljakusa - 17 Studeni, 2009, 10:28:55
onda si ti meĐu rijetkima.....ja weĆ polako ludim....:)
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 17 Studeni, 2009, 10:47:56
onda si ti meĐu rijetkima.....ja weĆ polako ludim....:)

..ti si luda od kako te znam :angel4:

..radi se na otklanjaju te glupe greske, ..nazalost jedini smo s tim "glupim" problemom ..i sto je jos gore, sve radi ok, ali s vremena na vrijeme zakaslje i tesko je detektirati zasto  :redface:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: divljakusa - 17 Studeni, 2009, 10:52:41
..ti si luda od kako te znam :angel4:

e pa baŠ ti hwala..... :beah:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: duje87 - 17 Studeni, 2009, 10:59:19
i ja isto moran non stop refreshat :D
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 17 Studeni, 2009, 11:00:27
nema na cemu  :joks:

nego evo odgovor koji smo dobili iz datacentra :

"I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. We are currently getting this issue checked with our Server
Administration Team. I will leave this Support Request open so that we may update you as soon as this has been done. Your patience and cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated.

Dakle ekipa na tome radi , i cim nesto saznaju i naprave , javiti ce nam  :laughing7:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 17 Studeni, 2009, 11:00:45
mani se desi jednom u par dana  :icon_biggrin:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: mario_f15 - 17 Studeni, 2009, 12:06:19
mani se desi jednom u par dana  :icon_biggrin:
meni isto tako
sad skoro nikako...sve radi ok... :toothy12: :toothy12: :toothy12: :toothy12:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: kristijanSR70 - 17 Studeni, 2009, 16:35:44
meni se desava i dan danas kod logiranja,PM i ostalog........
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: wonderkid - 17 Studeni, 2009, 17:04:40
razgovarao s jednim covjekom koji je ovdje regan pod nickom groznik72 i nemoze se prijavit na forum odkad je forum premjesten na drugi server,zna netko zasto
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 17 Studeni, 2009, 19:00:58
razgovarao s jednim covjekom koji je ovdje regan pod nickom groznik72 i nemoze se prijavit na forum odkad je forum premjesten na drugi server,zna netko zasto

Ako je jedan, onda ih ima i više  :redface:

BTW. danas me jedno 5 puta zaredom unutar 10 minuta zbagalo  :confused5:

...kako negdi pijemo živce adminu  :toothy3:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 17 Studeni, 2009, 20:00:25
to je moguce u slucaju da mu je u usernameu ili u passwordu pisalo slovo č ili ć
neka proba preko zatraziti novi password ili neka mi se javi na e-mail pa cemo to rijesiti 
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 17 Studeni, 2009, 20:51:01
uh, zadnjih pol sata je bas zaredalo  :redface:

..ali evo gnjavimo datacentar , dobili smo novi odgovor :

"Rest assured that we are trying to dig up all the logs that we can in regards to the issue that you seem to be facing. I have my System Administration Team already working on this one and will provide you with an update as soon as we hear from them.

Until then I would request your patience and co-operation."

dakle strpljen spasen  :laughing7:  :toothy3:  :dontknow:  :redface:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Doomsday - 18 Studeni, 2009, 00:33:35
Kažeš, rješavaju problem...

Literatura o tome kako oni rješavaju naše probleme... Pročitati sve... Obavezno... :zubo:

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: ..::IVKULJA::.. - 18 Studeni, 2009, 04:14:44
danas se ista poruka pojavila barem 20ak puta,dok mi je prosli tjedan mozda jednom dnevno izbacivalo istu
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 18 Studeni, 2009, 21:54:36
...bla bla bla...

dakle strpljen spasen  :laughing7:  :toothy3:  :dontknow:  :redface:

Ma čini mi se da oni imaju auto-answer machine i da ti to šalju  :laughing9:

Eto od prije par minuta kad sam došo na forum praktički nemrem niti do nijedne stranice bez 6-7 refreshova  :dontknow:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: cameosb - 18 Studeni, 2009, 22:15:59
de vi vratite sve na staro,ovo je smeće
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 19 Studeni, 2009, 10:31:34
..evo kao sto vidite danas admini nesto rade po serveru, pa cemo na neke trenutke biti offline  :redface:

samo nek sve legne na svoje mjesto pa cemo svi biti sretni i to je to  :redface:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: kristijanSR70 - 19 Studeni, 2009, 15:22:23
..evo kao sto vidite danas admini nesto rade po serveru, pa cemo na neke trenutke biti offline  :redface:

samo nek sve legne na svoje mjesto pa cemo svi biti sretni i to je to  :redface:

nismo još uvijek  :laughing7: :laughing7:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 19 Studeni, 2009, 15:30:59

nismo još uvijek  :laughing7: :laughing7:
izgleda da u isti čas. Vjerojatno tko god je bio prije 10 minuta na forumu je bio "otkačen" sa njega  :icon_thumright:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: wonderkid - 19 Studeni, 2009, 19:14:24
dns brojio koliko puta mi se pokazalo ono sranje,tocno 23 puta u 2 sata koliko sam dns bio na forumu
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 19 Studeni, 2009, 19:16:15
dns brojio koliko puta mi se pokazalo ono sranje,tocno 23 puta u 2 sata koliko sam dns bio na forumu

ja sam programirao counter u čošku i stavio sam ga na 2 znamenke i sad mi se zbrejko malo prije jer se moral na nulu vratit  :laughing7:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 20 Studeni, 2009, 09:40:54
updejt :

jako mi je bitno da mi javljate kad krene panika  :toothy3: ,
dakle ako vam se desi da vam je bio potreban refresh i to vise puta u kracem vremenu (5min) ,
odmah mi tu javite , da mogu decki u datacentru provjeriti odmah o cemu se radi i to probati poboljsati...

uglavnom ne brinite jer ako se ovo ne bude rjesilo, hosting obecaje da idemo na njemacki server (tamo je i tamo nema nekih problema  :toothy3: ) :redface:  :toothy3:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Ensiferum - 20 Studeni, 2009, 10:59:22
eo maloprie mi ono cudo izbacilo 3 puta u minuti  :)
uprem posalji kad ono opet ono cudo izbaci refresh kad ono opet pa opet refresh i postao  :toothy9:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: divljakusa - 20 Studeni, 2009, 21:27:24
eo maloprie mi ono cudo izbacilo 3 puta u minuti  :)
uprem posalji kad ono opet ono cudo izbaci refresh kad ono opet pa opet refresh i postao  :toothy9:
sam ja nočas nisam mogla poslat baŠ niŠ.....refreshala sam bar 50 puta i onda odustala....
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 20 Studeni, 2009, 21:29:23
sam ja nočas nisam mogla poslat baŠ niŠ.....refreshala sam bar 50 puta i onda odustala....

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: gokiSP - 20 Studeni, 2009, 21:30:44
i meni isto stalno..sad sam na IE i izbacuje mi:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: 2TDottore - 20 Studeni, 2009, 21:33:13
ovo je strava.....dodje mi da se sam banam na jedno 15 dana dok se to ne rjesi.... :laughing7:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Ensiferum - 20 Studeni, 2009, 22:02:50
ovo je strava.....dodje mi da se sam banam na jedno 15 dana dok se to ne rjesi.... :laughing7:

 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: duje87 - 20 Studeni, 2009, 23:11:43
danas san 12 sati na forumu..posta san glavni dezurni :laughing6: uglavnon oko 200injak puta..beat that :laughing6:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: speed - 21 Studeni, 2009, 02:08:29
unisiti me ovo kad moram refreshat,danas samo 20-tak x najmanje,meni izbaci neke greske na stranici :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9: :angry9:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: efz - 22 Studeni, 2009, 20:18:58
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: gokiSP - 22 Studeni, 2009, 20:21:18
i meni danas jednom to izbacilo a nekoliko desetaka puta ono uobicajeno  :toothy12:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 24 Studeni, 2009, 11:00:50
ima sta jucer, danas ? je sta bolje ili  :redface:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: wonderkid - 24 Studeni, 2009, 11:38:40
dns u jucer nisam imao nikakvih sranja,u najbolje redu je sve  :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 24 Studeni, 2009, 11:49:52
nesto su napravili, i sad pitaju da li je bolje.. pa tako da svakako javite ako bude vecih problema :redface:

ono tipa :
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

ili slicno , se nemoze potpuno izbjeci, ali ako je dosta bolje , ako je prihvatljivo, onda je ipak pomak napravljen..
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: gokiSP - 24 Studeni, 2009, 13:10:04
jucer par puta danas nijednom.. :)
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 24 Studeni, 2009, 13:15:41
jucer par puta danas nijednom.. :)
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: Doomsday - 27 Studeni, 2009, 20:08:03
Maloprije nikako, ali NIKAKO doć na forum,stalno izbacuje:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: x-plorer - 27 Studeni, 2009, 20:28:03
meni isto nikako se nisam moga konektirat nece opce da se spoji...ili kad se spoji odma izbaci eror
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: mario_f15 - 27 Studeni, 2009, 20:52:44
Maloprije nikako, ali NIKAKO doć na forum,stalno izbacuje:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, apacherrors and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

tako i meni....poludim....
sad mi je stalno pocelo...svaka stranica error...jbt  :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf: :trespaf:
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: dhorvat - 30 Studeni, 2009, 12:18:23
Evo prije 2 minute  :dontknow:

( (
Naslov: Odg: problem s forumom
Autor: eladio - 30 Studeni, 2009, 15:10:55
to su oni standardni problemi koji se uvjek desavaju na ovako malo posjecenijim forumima  :redface:  :toothy3:
cini mi se da je problem , bar onaj, rijesen..   :toothy11:
