Za Gospu i Boga miloga, ove rečenice niti Frankenštajnovo čudovište nebi ovako složilo...

I nikako ne razumin šta ti triba od njih..? Ko ti je da' ove zadane rečenice, pa su ovako u banani...?

EDIT: aha, čini mi se da san skužija, ovo si ti prevodija rečenice sa hrvatskog... Katastrofa...

a) I can't get over myself how great village life is, and how fresh the air is...
b) My salary got spent in the first week and I have no regrets...
a) Can I get my camera to the concert? I'm afraid it's not allowed...
b) Stop sitting around bored and help me get the house in order...
a) I love when my bills get paid on time. That way, my money problems get avoided...
c) She got to traveling a few years ago and her stories about different countries are fascinating...
Ćevapi i pivo su uvik dobrodošli...