Sve za skuter!! MS Trgovina - Akcija

Autor Tema: A derbi moj mali pohabani...  (Posjeta: 10573 )

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Offline Waynder

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  • Postova: 349
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    • StuntBase
  • Mjesto: WL
  • Moj Skuter: SR 172 Stunt, Derbi GP1 172 Stunt, KTM SD
A derbi moj mali pohabani...
« : 19 Veljača, 2010, 12:18:03 »
Komentari : -->,29770.0.html

Oke... After Cops took my SR 172 Stunter i decided to make a new stunt scooter that will be used to promote StuntBase and to win this years Hockenheim stunt competition =)

For that i needed something very exsclusive, some model that no one uses for stunt and yet that it has perfect handling, brakes and chasis. thats why i choosed Derbi GP1 50 Revolution...

Has rear forks, so no more busted selen blocks, has stock radial calipers, and has central rear shock absorder...

But the problem is that its 50 cc and im a big fan of 172 2 stroke AC engine ;)

So here we go...


1. Original 50 cc Piaggio will be replaced with Aprilia SR 150 engine. this engine will be tuned with Malossi 172 cylinder and multivar 2000.


1. 12 bar
2. sliders
3. green paintjob and black stickers
4. downhill steering
5. foot brake
6. oversize (if i find something good)



Have started to dismantle scoot and tried to fit new engine on it... It doesnt goes there original so it will be needed to chage downer chaisis and rear engine holders... But not much problem if you know what ur doing...



Ok... So the engine is fitted, chaisis is modded... Now i need to think a way how to solve the exhaust problem... If i wont be able to it stock one (will have to be cutted of course) i'll make new one tht will be undertail =)



First test ride... Just to see about expected engine vibrations.. Everything went perfect ;)



Made first stage of 12 bar today. Thing is a bit complicated to be made on Derbi. It needs a lot of work and thinking to make it look both goodlookin and solid. Here is only 1st stage version without reinforcemant. Also this time i will use TITANIUM plates for those white sparks ;)



Finally dismanteld whole thing and its all ready for powder coating...
And yeah... It has Benelli chaisis =)



Today camed chaisis from powder coating and rims from painting...

So i started to put everything together...



Building it up a bit...



Long time no update... Well, i finally got some parts to make front end complete... Yes, it will use KTM SuperDuke farings and digits ;)

This is just a fit on preview, will look much better in finish...



Piece by piece im getting it together... 91% of job is done...
Needs some more electric work with KTM digits, powder coating on all AL parts, custom bodywork...



Had a big problem with wiring harness, so basicly we decided to make our own... Have cut out all the wires and gagets that i dont wanna use or i dont need and than started to make component by component...
KTM digits are fully functional now... Has active all stuff to make it street legal...
Still missing some farings, paint job and powder coating to make its design complete... After that there will be upgrading in susspension (breaks and rear suspension), transmission power up (stronger sprockets and chain) and maybe some setting around gearing...

But bike is driveable the way it is now ;)



I finally powder coated those parts... Also painted fromt faring... SO this is how it looks now...

« Zadnja izmjena: 19 Veljača, 2010, 13:10:58 eladio »